Call for Feedback on kweliTV Trial Subscription
UPDATE: UCI's kweliTV streaming platform trial subscription and feedback period has been extended until January 19, 2024.
UPDATE: UCI's kweliTV streaming platform trial subscription and feedback period has been extended until January 19, 2024.
Earlier this fall, UCI Drama Library, a webpage that allows people to browse the UCI Libraries’ play collection using special filters like playwright ethnicity and cast gender, exceeded 20,000 page views and is on track to reach 25,000 views by late winter or early spring 2024. These major milestones reflect the popularity and usefulness of this key Libraries resource.
UCI Libraries exhibit helped reinforce course lessons and build a sense of community among students.
Remember memorizing dates and names in social studies class? However pivotal, it’s hard to identify with long-ago champions from faraway places. Research has shown, time and time again, that young people gain a deeper appreciation of a subject and become more civically active when they can “see themselves” in history.
UCI scholar gains professional experience through Libraries year-long paid fellowship.
Having originally associated UCI Libraries with only books and welcoming spaces, second-year psychology student Jazmin Garcia-Arevalo’s understanding of the Libraries expanded significantly during her time as a DREAM Fellow. DREAM Fellowships, coordinated through the UCI DREAM Center, provide students with experiential learning, professional development, and networking opportunities, regardless of their immigration status.
In honor of Native American Heritage Month, this guide to UCI Libraries resources spotlights some of the digital collections and research materials available to help the UCI community enrich our understanding and appreciation of Indigenous culture and history. Films, books, oral histories, research guides, and more are available through the year. (Materials requiring a UCI login are only accessible to faculty, staff, and students with a valid UCInetID.)
As veteran leaders in the nonprofit sector, Lynne and Christopher Ramsey are no strangers to embedded community organizing. From local Orange County early childhood art programs to Olympic sports arenas, they have dedicated their careers to serving in the education and arts sectors.
Regular attendees of UCI Libraries events, the Ramseys became Gateway Society members in 2017 in order to support the continued growth of our collections, services, and public programming.
Are you a visionary who imagines that course materials can not only be effective and high in quality, but can also be affordable (or even zero cost!) for your students?
If that sounds like you, the ACMI (Affordable Course Materials Initiative) grant could be yours! Begin the process by submitting your interest and course information to If accepted, you will receive $1,500 plus specialized library support to accomplish your goal.
UCI’s media reserves, media collection, and loanable technology equipment have moved to new locations. Starting in fall 2023, technology equipment can be borrowed on a first-come, first-served basis from the Science Library or Langson Library Check Out Desks. Equipment available for loans includes tablets, PCs, audio-visual equipment (microphones, cameras, etc.), and device-charging accessories. Items are available for check out with a valid UCI student, faculty or staff ID and active UCInetID.
UCI students, faculty, and staff now have access to the The HistoryMakers, the nation’s largest African American oral history video collection. UCI Libraries’ three-year subscription to the online oral history archive includes nearly 150,000 stories assembled from the interviews of 2,708 historically significant African Americans.