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A group of womxn next to the text "Womxn's History Month."
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Celebrating Womxn's History Month

UCI Libraries Resources and Materials

News Date
March 12, 2024
By Christina Acevedo and Monica Gomez


UCI Libraries are proud to highlight an extensive collection of books, films, historical archives, and resources focused on womxn and their experiences. Unless they specify a UCI login, these materials are available to the public year-round at no cost.

For research assistance, visit guides.lib.uci.edu for a complete list of Libraries’ Research Guides or schedule an appointment with a research librarian:

  • Gender and sexuality studies: Research Librarian for Interdisciplinary Studies Melissa Beuoy, melissa.beuoy@uci.edu
  • History: Research Librarian for Student Success and Humanities Nicole Arnold, nsarnold@uci.edu 


Online Resources


Special Collections and Archives


Recent Acquisitions

These recent book acquisitions to UCI Libraries contain topics such as revolutionaries, employment, reproductive health, feminist theory, music, literature, and sports.


Diversity of UCI Libraries’ Collections

UCI Libraries collect materials in all formats to support the university’s research, teaching, and public service mission.

We believe it is crucial that our collections reflect the diversity of our students, faculty, staff, and larger Orange County community. Thus, we are making an effort to collect materials that consider the needs and perspectives of historically underrepresented, marginalized, and oppressed groups. For more information, please refer to our Diversity Statement and Plan.

For additional information about UCI Libraries’ efforts to celebrate diversity in its users, staff, collections, and resources, visit the UCI Libraries Diversity webpage.