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Students playing music at an ASUCI Native American Heritage Month celebration
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Celebrating Native American Heritage Month

UCI Libraries Resources and Materials

News Date
November 8, 2023
By Cheryl Baltes


In honor of Native American Heritage Month, this guide to UCI Libraries resources spotlights some of the digital collections and research materials available to help the UCI community enrich our understanding and appreciation of Indigenous culture and history. Films, books, oral histories, research guides, and more are available through the year. (Materials requiring a UCI login are only accessible to faculty, staff, and students with a valid UCInetID.)





It is important to note that the UCI Libraries acknowledge our presence on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the Acjachemen and Tongva peoples. We respectfully honor and recognize the original and current caretakers of this land, water, and air: the Acjachemen and Tongva peoples and all of their ancestors and descendants, past, present, and future. Today this meeting place is home to many Indigenous peoples from all over the world, including UCI faculty, students, and staff, and we are grateful to have the opportunity to live and work on these homelands. For a full land acknowledgement, please visit the UCI Libraries Land Acknowledgement webpage.


UCI Libraries collects materials in all formats to support the university’s research, teaching, and public service mission.

We believe it is crucial that our collections reflect the diversity of our students, faculty, staff, and larger Orange County community. Thus, we are making an effort to collect materials that consider the needs and perspectives of historically under-represented, marginalized, and oppressed groups. For more information, please refer to our Diversity Statement and Plan.

For additional information about UCI Libraries’ efforts to celebrate diversity in its users, staff, collections, and resources, visit the UCI Libraries Diversity webpage.