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Black History Month.
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Celebrating Black History Month

UC Irvine Libraries Resources and Materials

News Date
January 23, 2025
By Christina Acevedo and Cheryl Baltes


UC Irvine Libraries continue to grow our collections on Black history and related topics that help document and honor the works of Black people. To celebrate Black History Month, this guide gathers a partial list of available online resources, archival materials, and media (both fiction and nonfiction) as well as recent book additions to the Libraries. Although some online materials are only accessible to faculty, staff, and students with a valid UCInetID, many of the resources are open to the public and all are available throughout the year as part of UC Irvine Libraries’ ongoing effort to foster learning and increase access to a wide variety of scholarship.

For research help with African American studies and related topics, contact Research Librarian for Interdisciplinary Studies Melissa Beuoy at melissa.beuoy@uci.edu or visit guides.lib.uci.edu for a complete list of Libraries’ Research Guides.

Online Resources


Special Collections and Archives

Expand your knowledge of Black history, including on the UC Irvine campus, by browsing some of Special Collections and Archives’ materials in the Online Archive of California. Collections span from as early as the 1890s to the 2020s. Try different search terms for additional collections and see the Before Your Visit webpage for more information about requesting and accessing Special Collections and Archives’ materials.


Recent Additions

In addition to online resources and archival materials, recent acquisitions of books in the UC Irvine Libraries' circulating collection focus on the history, art, contributions, and experiences of Black people:


Diversity of UC Irvine Libraries’ Collections

UC Irvine Libraries collect materials in all formats to support the university’s research, teaching, and public service mission.

We believe it is crucial that our collections reflect the diversity of our students, faculty, staff, and larger Orange County community. Thus, we are making an effort to collect materials that consider the needs and perspectives of historically underrepresented, marginalized, and oppressed groups. For more information, please refer to our Diversity Statement and Plan.

For additional information about UC Irvine Libraries’ efforts to celebrate diversity in its users, staff, collections, and resources, visit the UC Irvine Libraries Diversity webpage.